Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when a person’s immune system attacks the membranes surrounding their joints. This causes them to become inflamed. RA is most common among women, those between the ages of 40-60, smokers, and those with a family history of RA. If you have rheumatoid arthritis there may come a time when you need to apply for Social Security disability benefits.
Derek Cervoni
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Getting approved for Social Security Disability (SSDI) is not easy. Even when you suffer from a physical or mental impairment, you may not qualify for assistance and benefits. When it comes to mental impairments, there are no specific symptoms that would guarantee approval. Instead, Social Security will view your symptoms and their impact on your overall life and ability to work. Mental impairments impact everyone differently. As such, when investigating your claim, they will need to dive deeper to determine how your diagnosis and symptoms affect you specifically. How do your mental impairments impact your functional capacity to work?
Topics: SSDI benefits
According to the CDC, about three percent of Americans who are 40 years old or older are either legally blind or are visually impaired. About twenty-one million Americans report functional vision problems or eye conditions. These conditions can significantly compromise vision. If you are legally or statutorily blind, you may qualify for SSDI benefits. If you have suffered vision loss, it is important to know that the Social Security Administration looks at vision loss a bit differently than other types of disabilities.
Topics: SSDI benefits, Requirements, Visual Impairments
Those who have been denied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits have the right to send the application for reconsideration, and, if it is denied again, to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). It can take up to a year or more to get a hearing date, but the good news is that, according to the Social Security Administration nearly 50 percent of those who take their case to this level will be approved. It is imperative to be well-prepared for your ALJ hearing, particularly regarding medical evidence to support your claim for disability benefits.
Topics: SSDI benefits, Claim, Process
If you have applied for Social Security Disability (sometimes known as Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI), and have been denied, don’t give up hope. You have options for appealing the SSDI denial—in fact, there are four appeal levels in the SSDI process. Unfortunately, many people decide to file a new application, rather than appealing their original denial. It is important to know that when you file a new application, it could also be denied, just like your first application and you could also lose out on past due benefits. In fact, according to https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/statcomps/supplement/2019/index.html a full two thirds of initial applications are denied, whether due to insufficient work credits, lack of a qualifying medical condition, or other factors.
Topics: SSDI benefits, Claim, Process
In the U.S., Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits are typically only available to qualifying adults with a work history. In order to qualify for these benefits, disabled adults must have worked and paid into the system. They must accrue a specific number of work credits to qualify. However, children whose parents are disabled, retired, or deceased may also be able to collect benefits.
In 2017 alone, the Social Security Administration paid an average of $2.6 billion each month to more than 4.2 million qualifying children. This money helps children complete high school and pays for food and shelter. When a parent becomes disabled or suddenly passes away, Social Security benefits can help keep the family afloat and provide a vital income for these children.
Topics: SSDI benefits, Disability Income Threshold
There are currently 8.4 million disabled workers receiving a monthly disability check in the United States, along with approximately 1.6 million spouses and children of disabled workers. While Social Security was initially created for retired workers, disability income was added to help those workers who are unable to continue to work and make a living. Each year, the monthly earning thresholds are (at least marginally) increased. The monthly earning thresholds allow a disabled person to earn up to a specific amount of money before disability payments cease.
Topics: SSDI benefits, Disability Income Threshold
According to the Social Security government website, a representative payee is a person or organization who helps a person receiving monthly Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or Social Security Disability to manage his or her financial affairs. The person or organization could be chosen by Social Security, or the person could have applied to SSA to be designated as representative payee.
Topics: Representative Payee
What Does a Disability Law Firm Do?
If you are disabled, you may be eligible to collect benefits through the Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. You may also qualify for Veteran’s Disability benefits if you are a wounded veteran.
Topics: SSDI benefits
Is Your Disabled Adult Child Eligible for Government Benefits?
A disabled adult child (DAC) may be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits. If the child is disabled and one of his or her parents currently receives Social Security benefits, the child may be able to collect Social Security Disability benefits based on the parent’s earnings record. If the child is over the age of 18, he or she may qualify for benefits as a disabled adult child.