Parkinson’s Disease and SSDI

Parkinson’s Disease and SSDI

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Jul 15, 2020 10:13:37 AM

If you or someone in your family has Parkinson’s disease, you know that the stiffness and tremors you experience can make attempting even the simplest of tasks too difficult to complete. Your case of Parkinson’s may have even advanced to the point that you’re no longer able to work because of the symptoms you experience every day, despite the medications you take and instructions you follow that your doctor has given to you. 

You’re not alone. Every year, hundreds of people in the DC metro region living with Parkinson’s disease are forced to leave the workforce because of their symptoms. Luckily, the Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes Parkinson’s as a disability that, if severe enough, qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and in some cases, Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI benefits), too. 

How Do You Know if Your Case of Parkinson’s is Severe Enough to be Awarded SSDI Benefits?

As a general rule of thumb, anyone applying for SSDI must prove they have a disability that: 

  • Prevents them from doing the work they used to do.
  • Prohibits them from doing any new type of work.
  • Is expected to last at least a year-long, or result in their death.

Furthermore, the SSA has a Blue Book of qualifying disabilities, which it references to determine if your specific disability symptoms are severe enough to receive SSDI benefits. The SSA Blue Book says that the Parkinson’s disease must: 

  • For at least three consecutive months:
    • Create disorganization of at least two extremities that cause an “extreme limitation” in your ability to stand up from a seated position, balance while standing or walking, or use your upper extremities. Or:
    • Create “marketed limitation” in at least one of the following physical functions:
      • Understanding, remembering, or applying information.
      • Interacting with others.
      • Concentrating, persisting or maintaining pace.
      • Adapting or managing oneself.

As you can see from the information above, the SSA sets a high bar to receive Social Security Disability Benefits. And when you’re unable to work and are experiencing such severe Parkinson’s symptoms, it can be nearly impossible to complete the lengthy Initial Application and gather all your required medical records from your doctors to prove your case of Parkinson’s is severe enough to make you eligible for SSDI. 

How We Help Parkinson’s Patients Win SSDI Benefits

Our Virginia Social Security Disability law firm focuses solely on helping people in Virginia, DC and Maryland win the Social Security Disability benefits they deserveWe know what to document in your Initial Application, and how to clearly tell the story of how your case of Parkinson’s has made it impossible for you to work any longer, and support your application with the appropriate medical evidence and records. 

Have You Been Denied SSDI Benefits for Parkinson’s?

Unfortunately, most people who apply for Social Security Disability benefits on their own without the help of an SSDI attorney are denied. But don’t lose hope if you receive a denial letter. 

You still have the opportunity to appeal the decision, and we can help you put together a strong appeal so that you may win SSDI benefits. 

Let Us Help You With Your SSDI Claim Based on Your Case of Parkinson’s

The SSA’s process for filing an Initial Application for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, or appealing a denial is tedious and complex. We have over 20 years of experience filing for SSDI benefits and representing patients at appeals hearings, and we know the SSA’s process inside and out. 

Most importantly, you have nothing to lose from working with us. The SSA sets the fees that any SSDI attorney can collect, and we’re only paid a legal fee if we win your claim for benefits 

For help navigating the Social Security Disability Insurance application and appeals processes, contact our Virginia SSDI law firm today by calling (703) 241-2625 or filling our online contact form.

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