Social Security Attorney Cervoni Case Study #452

Social Security Attorney Cervoni Case Study #452

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Apr 13, 2016 5:48:25 PM

Disclaimer: This story is based on a real case. The names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Information presented here is general in nature and should not be construed as formal legal advice or as the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Cases differ and past performance does not guarantee future results.


“I can’t believe they turned me down,” Henrietta told her neighbor Susan. “I went online and followed all the instructions,” she said. “I even got my niece to look it over to make sure I was doing it right, and they still turned me down. I don’t know what to do next.”

Henrietta applied for disability after her rheumatoid arthritis made it impossible for her to return to work at the assisted living center where she had been employed for the last 10 years. She was scared because she had sole custody of her two grandsons and didn’t know how she would take care of them if she could no longer work or receive Social Security Disability benefits.

Her neighbor, Susan, listened.  She told Henrietta that she had just seen our Facebook ad, which explained that you can file an appeal if you are denied Social Security Disability benefits. “Why don’t you call Cervoni in the morning?” she asked her.

When Henrietta called I told her that we could help her file an appeal. I asked her to send us the following information.

  • Her Social Security Number
  • The names, addresses and phone numbers of her doctors
  • Copies of medical records
  • Her work history
  • An original copy of her birth certificate
  • Her last W-2 and pay stub

I told Henrietta that many people are turned down more than once and have to go before an Administrative Law Judge before they receive Social Security Disability benefits.

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As it turned out, we did have to take her case before an Administrative Law Judge and he ruled in her favor. Henrietta is now scheduled to receive retroactive back pay and monthly benefits.

If you have a friend or relative who is under retirement age and is unable to work because of injury or illness, tell them to call Cervoni Disability Law PLLC for a free consultation. We work exclusively on Social Security Disability Claims. Call 703-241-2625 or email us at Visit our website at or follow us on social media.

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Topics: SSDI Case Scenario, Social Security Disability Case

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