CDL Social Security Disability Law Blog

Multiple Sclerosis and SSDI

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Jul 1, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is a central nervous system disease that can cause symptoms throughout the body. Put simply, MS is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks itself.  

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Topics: SSDI

Why Is It So Hard to Get My Disability Approved? Understanding the Challenges of Navigating the SSDI and SSI Systems

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Jun 1, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can often feel like navigating a corn maze wearing a blindfold. It's filled with bureaucratic hurdles and confusing legalities. Many ask, "Why is it so hard to get my disability approved?" This blog explores the common challenges faced during the disability claim process and offers insight into why these obstacles exist. 

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Topics: Disabilities

Breast Cancer and Disability Benefits

Posted by Derek Cervoni on May 1, 2024 8:04:03 PM

Breast cancer is a life-altering diagnosis, impacting patients not only physically and emotionally but also financially. Many individuals find themselves unable to work due to the time involved and the side effects of treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. This is where disability income becomes crucial. It offers a financial lifeline that helps patients focus on recovery without the overwhelming stress of financial insecurity.

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Topics: Disability Benefits, Disabilities

The Best Tips for Navigating Social Security Abroad

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Apr 1, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Living abroad doesn't necessarily mean giving up your Social Security benefits. Many individuals wonder if they can still receive their Social Security payments if they move overseas. The answer may be more positive than you expect.

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Topics: Social Security

Understanding Social Security Disability Consultative Examinations

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Mar 6, 2024 1:10:20 PM

Navigating the maze of Social Security Disability benefits can be daunting. With nearly 10 million people receiving disability benefits in the United States, the process is both complex and frustrating. However, understanding key components like the Social Security Disability Consultative Examination (CE) can help applicants prepare effectively. Let's delve into what a CE entails and how it impacts disability claims. 

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Topics: Social Security Disability Case

2024 Social Security Benefits Primer: There Are More Benefits Than You Might Think!

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Dec 29, 2023 11:08:11 AM

As you prepare for the Social Security changes that 2024 will bring, you should know about all of the benefits to which you may be entitled. This guide will walk you through the variety of Social Security benefits available so you can ensure you’re receiving all the money you qualify for. 

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Topics: Social Security

Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) and Other Changes for 2024

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Nov 29, 2023 11:09:03 AM

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will increase 3.2% in 2024 for more than 71 million Americans. If you receive either of these benefits, you’ll likely have questions concerning what this means for your monthly benefit and other potential changes. Keep reading for all you need to know about the COLA adjustment for 2024.

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Topics: Social Security

Social Security Disability Insurance Vs. Long-Term Disability Insurance: Which One Fits Your Needs?

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Aug 30, 2023 7:14:36 AM

At the end of a long, hard day at work, the idea that it would be nicer to not work at all may come to mind. The reality, though, is not nearly as relaxing as one would think.

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Topics: Disabilities, Insurance

Why Is It So Hard To Get My Disability Claim Approved?

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Jun 28, 2023 1:04:58 AM

Every year, thousands of Americans battle for Social Security disability benefits–including those who have already won their case. The sheer number of errors and red tape frustrates both sides of political lines, as well as Social Security officials themselves.  

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Topics: Disabilities

Will The National Debt Affect My Social Security Checks?

Posted by Derek Cervoni on Jun 12, 2023 10:35:18 AM

If you’ve even glanced at the news this month, you’ve probably seen headline after headline about how the US might not be able to pay its debts, and that the country might even default. With that possibility looming overhead, many Americans have wondered if their Social Security benefits are on the chopping block.

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Topics: Social Security