"Who determines if you qualify for disability payments?"
Disclaimer: This story is based on a real case. The names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Information presented here is general in nature and should not be construed as formal legal advice or as the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Cases differ and past performance does not guarantee future results.
At age 52, Amira began suffering from debilitating back pain which kept her out of work at least one day a week. She was called in by her HR Director and told that if she could not make it into work every day, she would lose her job. Despite numerous doctor visits, her pain persisted and soon Amira was out of work. Her friend Janice suggested that she find out if she qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. “Who do I call?” asked Amira. “Try Cervoni Disability Law, PLLC,” Janice advised. “I just saw their LinkedIn post and I am sure they can answer your questions.”Amira called us and her first question was: Who determines if I qualify for disability payments? We told Amira that although the Social Security Administration gets the initial application for disability benefits, it is the Disability Determination Services office in her state that decides if she medically qualifies for benefits. We told her that her state agency’s medical and disability experts would ask her doctors for information regarding her condition and use the medical evidence available from hospitals, clinics, labs and other institutions that have treated her condition in order to make a determination. We told Amira that the state agency would ask questions about how and when her condition began, how it limits her ability to work or find meaningful work, and about any test results and treatments she received.
We helped Amira get all her information together for Social Security and for the state agency and she successfully obtained Social Security Disability Insurance benefits due to her ongoing and severe chronic debilitating back pain.
"We can help you get through the application process when you seek eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits."
- Derek S. Cervoni
Want to learn more? Download the Beginner's Road Map to SSDI
If you have a friend, relative or client who has a question about Social Security Disability/SSI benefits, call Cervoni Disability Law PLLC for a free consultation. We work exclusively on Social Security Disability Claims. Call 703-241-2625 or email us at info@cervonidisabilitylaw.com. Visit our website at www.cervonidisabilitylaw.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn.