This story is based on a real case. The names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals involved. Information presented here is general in nature and should not be construed as formal legal advice or as the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Cases differ, and past performance does not guarantee future results.
Jonas had been working in construction around loud, banging heavy equipment all his life. He had taken all the safety precautions, used earplugs for example, so he was not ready to accept the audiologist’s diagnosis that he had severe hearing loss. His wife Shelley constantly complained that he watched TV with the volume turned up too loud and he found himself asking people to repeat themselves, but a diagnosis that could leave him without a job? Jonas shared his worries with his sister Margie who urged him to seek advice. She forwarded an email to him from Cervoni Disability Law, so he called for a free consultation.
What we told Jonas:
We told Jonas, that with a diagnosis of severe hearing loss, that it was possible he could qualify for Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI), if he met one of the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability listings. We told him that he could possibly qualify under hearing loss listing 2.10 which requires “an average hearing threshold of 60 to 90 decibels or greater in the better ear, depending on the testing method or a word score of 40 percent or lower in the better ear.” He could also possibly qualify under hearing loss listing 2.11, (hearing loss with a Cochlear implant) which would qualify him for disability benefits for at least one year after surgery.
We also told Jonas, that if he were not able to qualify under those listings, that he could pursue a “medical vocational allowance” after SSA determined whether he could function at any job for which he was qualified.
We guided Jonas through the process of obtaining and filing the proper paperwork that resulted in a Social Security determination that he was qualified to receive Social Security Disability benefits because of his severe hearing loss.
If you have a friend, relative or client who needs help with the Social Security Disability application and/or the appeals process, call Cervoni Disability Law PLLC for a free consultation. We work exclusively on Social Security Disability claims. Call 703-241-2625 or email us at info@cervonidisabilitylaw.com. Visit our website at www.cervonidisabilitylaw.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.