If you have a medical condition that qualifies you to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), it’s important to note that certain family members may also be able to receive monthly payments. This can go a long way toward alleviating the financial burdens or stresses faced by loved ones.
For anyone currently receiving SSDI benefits or who may receive such benefits in the future, keep reading to see if anyone in your family qualifies for payments!
Which Dependents Qualify for SSDI?
There are a few different dependents and family members that could be eligible for these payments. If anyone in your household meets these criteria, it should also be noted that the benefits work differently depending on the type of family member.
Below is an outline of who might be eligible and how the benefits could work for them.
If you’re on SSDI, your spouse may qualify for benefits if:
- They are 62 or older, unless your spouse collects a higher Social Security benefit based on their earnings record.
- They are of any age and caring for your child under age 16 or a child who was disabled before age 22
A spouse can also qualify for survivor’s benefits, which allow them to draw up to 99.6% of their deceased partner’s SSDI benefit. To claim this benefit, the surviving spouse must be at least 60 years of age. If they are disabled, that requirement is reduced to 50 years of age.
To qualify for a payment, an ex-spouse must:
- Be at least 62 years of age
- Have been in your marriage for 10 years
- Have no current marriage
A surviving ex-spouse can also draw up to 50% of their deceased ex-spouse's SSDI benefit as long as they are at least 62 years old and had been married for ten years or more.
Children & Dependent Grandchildren
Any member of the SSDI recipient’s immediate family can potentially qualify for their own SSDI payment. Children of the beneficiary must:
- Be under age 18 or unmarried
- Be 18 to 19 years old and a full-time student (grade 12 or below)
- Be 18 or older and disabled prior to age 22
If a child or dependent grandchild has a living parent, they could be eligible for monthly payments of up to 50% of the parent’s SSDI payment. That amount increases to 75% if the parent is deceased.
Disabled Children
A disabled child may qualify for their own SSDI benefits. However, an adult child who is disabled prior to the age of 22 might qualify for up to 50% of their parent’s SSDI benefit.
Dependent Parents
If one or both parents are dependent on their SSDI-receiving child, as long as that child is 62 years or older, they can receive benefits. One qualifying parent may receive up to 82.5% of the deceased child’s benefit. If both parents are dependent, they can receive up to 75% of the benefit.
Other Things to Know
Although multiple family members may qualify to receive payments of their own of up to 50%, keep in mind that the collective total of payments issued can’t exceed 150% of the original SSDI recipient’s benefit. If it does exceed 150%, payments will be lowered equally until the total is below the cap.
If you or a family member are disabled and unable to work, please contact us today to see if we can assist with an application for SSDI benefits.